News & Events
CSI-COP Special Edition Newsletter, about the projects’ results and Privacy Champions, Brussels May 2023.
CSI-COP Project’s main results communication and dissemination event 22-26 May 2023 in Brussels. Read all about CSI-COP’s ‘living exh....
CSI-COP wins Privacy Award
Coventry University nominates CSI-COP for ‘Best Innovative Privacy Project’ in Piccaso Privacy Awards CSI-COP Director of Science, Dr. ....
Advisory Board members Guest Talk
CSI-COP welcomed Advisory Board members Emerita Professor Diane H. Sonnenwald and Professor Dagmar Monett Diaz as guest speakers in the Year 3-end open....
CSI-COP project team short-listed in privacy awards.
CSI-COP project team has been short-listed in the inugural : Privacy, Infosec, Culture, Change, Awareness, Societal, Organisation (Piccaso) privacy awa....
CSI-COP at Ideas Fest 2022
CSI-COP were present in the inaugural Ideas Fest 2022, at Wickham, Hampshire UK 3-4 August 2022. Ideas Fest provided a great opportunity for Covent....
Big Cookie Count: 30-31 May
30-31 May Big Cookie Count Zoom event The Big Cookie Count online event will take place in Zoom: 30-31 May – please register here: https:....

REINFORCE webinar 7 July 2021 – Identifying undiscovered particles at the Large Hadron Collider.
In the framework of REINFORCE, a EU-funded project creating a series of cutting-edge citizen science projects on frontier Physics research, citizens wi....

CSI-COP free informal education course available
CSI-COP free online informal education course ‘Your Right to Privacy Online’: equipping the general public with the knowledge and tools to protect your....

Contributing to CitSciVirtual 2021
CSI-COP contributed to Citizen Science Association (CSA) CSA CitSciVirtual 2021 with A project poster. This can be found below, or if registered with t....

New citizen science projects
New citizen science projects 1.ACTION – Participatory science toolkit against pollution. Contact is Antonella Passani – www.actionproje....

3rd Citizen Engagement and Deliberative Democracy Festival
CSI-COP contributed a short video created by CSI-COP colleague Jaimz Winter for the Festival. To view the video with English subtitles, please register....
New project: SensJus
The Sensing for Justice (SensJus) project researches the potential of grassroots-driven environmental monitoring, i.e. Citizen Sensing, as a source of ....

CSI-COP contributed an article to EU Citizen Science’s summer newsletter
A new citizen science research and innovation project has produced its first public report: best methods in citizen science engagement. The projec....

EU Citizen Science has published its summer 2020 newsletter.
The COVID-19 pandemic has also challenged our field by pushing us to adapt quickly to this new situation and to develop and/or use new collaboration to....
EU report on ‘Citizen Science and Citizen Engagement Achievements in Horizon 2020 and recommendations on the way forward
EU report on ‘Citizen Science and Citizen Engagement Achievements in Horizon 2020 and recommendations on the way forward’. Accessible from: https://ec.....
The German Presidency conference on citizen science and SDGs: Conference 14.-15.10.2020
How can Citizen Science support the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)? Knowledge for Change: Citizen Science SDG Conference In October 2020, t....

New-designed REINFORCE web platform to stimulate community engagement launched on July 7th 2020.
The REINFORCE project (Research Infrastructures FOR Citizens in Europe), supported by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 SWAFS programme, has launched i....
EU Citizen Science platform launch July 2020
The platform for sharing knowledge, tools, training, and resources for Citizen Science.

REINFORCE citizen science project webinar on the 1st of June at 11AM CEST
The webinar aims at introducing the REINFORCE project to the European Research community and to the broad public of potential citizen scientists, focus....
COVID-19 Contact Tracing and Privacy: Studying Opinion and Preference
There is growing interest in technology-enabled contact tracing, the process of identifying potentially infected COVID-19 patients by notifying all rec....
Analysis of the NHSX Contact Tracing App ‘Isle of Wight’ Data Protection Impact Assessment
This note examines the published data protection impact assessment (DPIA) released by NHSX in relation to their contact tracing/proximity tracing app. ....
Coronavirus contact tracing poses serious threats to our privacy
We are all wondering how COVID-19 will end. We will not likely return to normal without a broadly distributed vaccine, which is a bracing proposition. ....
Corona Virus updates
For updates on World Health Organisation’s news on the corona virus pandemic, please click here. To view your country’s statistics on t....
New EU-funded research and innovation project kicks off in Coventry
Coventry University is hosting the official launch meeting for a European research and innovation project investigating the use of tracking cookies on ....