Web-based open-access knowledge resource of digital trackers (CSI-COP Repository).
To start using the repository, choose a language first from the available languages in the list. Then you can select 'Find All' on 'Apps' or 'Websites'.
Also, you can click on "Check EU funded project websites" to view the investigations on EU funded project websites.
Also, you can click on "Check EU funded project websites" to view the investigations on EU funded project websites.
Here you can download a short manual on how to use CSI-COP Repository created by the project's sub-contractor, Mr Venkatesh Nanneboina, software engineer from Xcel Resources.
- Please note, sometimes an investigation of a website, or an app, can be in dual languages, such as in English and the language selected (e.g. Greek). For example, there is an investigation of a school conducted in Greek, the school name is Patras Second Chance School. This investigation will be retrieved on searching for it in the Greek language. There could be other exceptions like this. Try 'Find All' when searching to retrieve all the investigations in a language.
- Please note, sometimes an image will not appear alongside an investigation, because the image label is not accurate according to an website or app name. This is part of Partner data-cleaning to the end of the project, in August 2023.
- Currently there are 1636 investigations in this Repository: 1204 websites; 432 apps. More will be uploaded.
- Design source code for this Repository is available in the Github
Trackers in Apps
Permissions in Apps
Categories in Apps
Trackers in Websites