Societal Impact 2


This is the second and final societal impact report arising from activities in the CSI-COP project. It follows the first societal impact report which presented the initial impact of the project, affected by the COVID-19 pandemic, on CSI-COP project partners. Since then, we have seen societal impact spread to the citizen scientists who joined as website and app investigators with respect to compliance of the general data protection regulation (GDPR). Their experience with CSI-COP researchers, and as a result of their findings, has led to changes in their online behaviour to better manage their personal data when using the Internet, including through a smart mobile device. This behaviour change includes not accepting “all cookies” on websites and checking app permissions. The societal impact influenced word-of-mouth dissemination by the citizen scientists about the rights in the GDPR. Additionally, CSI-COP’s societal impact included winning an industry privacy award (PICCASO), and inspiring an international organisation to join in legacy activities.

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